It's also a signal to my coworkers as well as the people around me that says "Leave me alone, I need to get stuff done now." It's definitely a ritual when it comes to other developers I spoke with.
Caffeine Makes You Smarter
There's research proving that caffeine has cognitive benefits or "makes you smarter". You fell drowsy when adenosine binds because of the adenosine receptors in your mind. When you yourself have coffee, the caffeine with it will come in as well as the receptor binds along with it rather than the adenosine created by the human body.
That gives you more energy and a stronger power to focus. Like that caffeine is a drug which makes you better at executing your opinions. It's like an instrument that will help software developers go into the zone, to hunker down and get stuff done.
For me personally a huge reason for drinking coffee is the fact that it seems to wake up my brain each morning. Maybe I'm just addicted to caffeine at this time but it feels amazing to get my brain into gear and ready for work with a very good cup of Joe each morning.
Coffee culture plays a huge role, too. Look at the office of any tech company and you'll see there are coffee machines everywhere. People will congregate around them to chat or have impromptu meetings. And if there aren't any
coffee machines visible then individuals will flock to nearby cafes to leave for a bit and now have "walk and talk" meetings to seize a cup of coffee or tea.
I wouldn't underestimate the bonding effect it has. Plenty of programmers are quite introverted and also this might also mean that going out for a cup of coffee with a coworker gets associated with feeling good quickly.
There's no denying-programmers all over the world seem to love their coffee. They think it's great a great deal they named a programming language after it. James Gosling named the Java programming language after coffee.
What's great about drinking coffee is that programmers then also get to demonstrate off their coffee mugs. I noticed developers seem quite wanting to get a very good or funny coffee mug to exhibit their love for a certain programming language or technology stack. Every software engineer wants a pleasant coffee mug on the desk. Any hacker worth their salt will in all probability have a great and geeky coffee mug on their desk. Some coders even use their coffee mugs as collectibles.
Only at Nerdlettering we love coffee, too. And we've created some unique hand-made designs for Python programmer coffee mugs that you won't find anywhere else.