Once I started coding in Python, I first wrote C++ code in Python. It worked, but i did son't gain any benefit from the language. My coding improved once I started writing in an even more "Pythonic" fashion and started using libraries, and much more advanced concepts such as generators, decorators and contexts.
As a Python developer I tend to look first for the library that solves the issue in front of you. Python has a rich library ecosystem and community that supports it. There are libraries for doing practically anything. Below are a few handy ones that I prefer every day: NumPy for numerical calculations, OpenCV for computer vision, json for reading json files, SciPy for scientific calculations, sqlite3 for databases.
My everyday tool is PyCharm (yes, an IDE) with IdeaVim plugin. I started utilizing it due mainly to the fact that it's a powerful debugger, which is much friendlier than the default Python debugger, pdb. I also use pip for installing libraries that i would like. I don't monitor my memory usage anymore unless i truly have to.
No matter what other individuals say, switching to another program coding language, especially to a language that is fundamentally distinct from the only you are familiar with, just isn't easy. Take time to learn, some
coffee, to dig in, to see. But most importantly, recognize that not merely the language should change, but additionally your coding style and work methodology.
Good luck!